Saturday, May 30, 2009

Four More Weekends in Colorado

I was e-mailing back and forth with my dear friend, Abby, trying to set up a get together time. Then I realized, wow, I only have four more weekends that I will be living in Colorado. Crazy. Cool. Honestly, sort of a relief.

Sure there is the little things that can stress a person out, but I only have four more weeks to have to deal with the insanity of work. I only have four more weeks where I will be so out right anal about making sure things are together, the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed. Seriously. I cause myself to become a little too drained at times.

I know there are a lot of things that will be different, and it will be basically beginning at square one when we land in Maine. But isn't that the whole point of living in the first place? Isn't that our destination? Where we truly take the time and the work to build our own life? No longer having things handed to us? I suppose the easy way to do things is more realistic in today's day and age, but honestly, I have always taken the more difficult route, and as soon as things begin to become too easy for me, I know I am not challenging myself enough.

So, four more weekend of viewing the 14ers. Four more weekends of being a mile high. I just need to take a little time to embrace it. And try not to forget obviously there is a true reason I loved this land for the 30 years I have lived here. But, I am ready to live and love a new place just as much.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Chipping the Days Away

I got home from work yesterday and in the mailbox was a card. I thought, oh, how sweet, someone sent Morgan and me a card. Then I read that it was only addressed to me, and I saw that it was from Morgan's Mom.

It was a beautiful card with words of encouragement that I may possibly be a little anxious about moving to Maine and all. She experienced it as well when she first moved from New Jersey up to Maine. Of course, Dianne and Norm are very excited for Morgan and I to be finding ourselves in Maine. It was very sweet.

Time seems to be going slow, but then at the same time, I know it is moving rather quickly. Before I know it, it will be the 25th of June, my last day of work, and then it is all about packing up the truck and hitting the road.

I do find it rather odd that people truly do not understand nor grasp the idea that my main goal is to be able to truly learn how to live off the land. To be able to grow and harvest our own crop, to be able to knit sweaters and socks, to be able to sew garments and such, to be able to construct and carve wood into useful tools and necessities that are needed. To truly understand this is something that I have worked for, and this is the end result. I do not want anymore gimmes. It had placed me in a mental state of believing if it was a gimme, then everything was, and it was my right to have it all. Where is self trust, self love, self appreciation? How is that true glory? Sure it may seem like an odd idea to some, and they may believe it will be nothing but leading myself to failure. I just see it has carving the door to my soul. And I am ready to begin.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Counting the Days

I sit here, and I just want to get the hell out of here. I am finding myself rather anxious with things. I am not really sure why. It is rather unnerving, really. I know I just have to get through the next 43 days, and then it is off to the greener grass of Maine. Thank you. Free at last.

I find myself becoming more and more cynical. I think materialism is the demise of this society as a whole, and I truly believe the majority of the Metropolitan Denver area falls witin the spectrum of wishing to be one of the Joneses instead of just enjoying who they are on their own, and living simply, yet beautifully. Price does not seem to matter, and with that, neither does quality. I want to be able to work with my hands, be able to truly live the essence of providing myself and my family with the purity of earth. My last name is not Jones, and damn, I find myself extremely happy to be a Luck.

Just get through 43 more days.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Maine, Here We Come!

It is all official! Morgan and Nan are moving to Maine!!!! The house is practically completely packed, I got A LOT of things packed and moved out of my parents' house. Yes, I am 30-years-old, and have had my parents' house be a storage shed for me for quite some time.

I have put in my resignation letter at work.

Finally, to be free, live off the land, breath a little easier, work and live the simple life.

Quite giddy indeed!